Ocean Outfall Legislation Program: Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department
As the largest water and sewer utility in the southeastern United States. The Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD) serves nearly 2.3 million residents and thousands of visitors. The staff works around the clock providing high-quality water and wastewater services, protecting public health and the environment. The Ocean Outfall Legislation (OOL) Program was created from a state-wide directive to reduce the practice of discharging wastewater into the ocean using existing ocean outfalls and consists of 24 major construction projects totaling over $2 billion.
This year, the department will embark on various major wastewater treatment plant construction projects, with Jacobs acting as the Owner’s Representative for the Ocean Outfall Legislation Program.
active wastewater treatment plant projects
major wastewater treatment plant projects being solicited in 2021
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Ocean Outfall Legislation (OOL) Program Construction Projects (Central)
CDWWTP is located in Virginia Key, Miami-Dade County. The OOL will be undertaking a total of seven construction projects with a total investment cost of $910 million at CDWWTP.
Ocean Outfall Legislation (OOL) Program Construction Projects (North)
North District Wastewater Treatment Plant (NDWWTP)
Ocean Outfall Legislation (OOL) Program Construction Projects (South)
South District Wastewater Treatment Plant (SDWWTP)